Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cup Licking Does not Satisfy

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for Thee, O God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”  (Ps. 42:1-2a)
“Jesus answered and said to her, ‘Everyone who drinks of this water shall thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.’”  (John 4:13-14)
I’ve probably told this story dozens of times over the last couple of months:
“Picture a thirsty person holding a cup of water. Now picture that person sticking their tongue out and licking the outside of the cup in an attempt to quench their thirst. This is a picture of religiosity. It is easy to focus on the cup and forget the contents. People spend so much time arguing over who has the best cup while not drinking from any. Cups come big, little or mega size. Some are ornate and some simple. Some are loud and some plain. Some are contemporary and some are old-fashioned … Endless cup arguments and cup licking … People are attracted to different cups but cup licking the outside of a cup will not quench thirst …ONLY THE LIVING WATER IN THE CUP CAN SATISFY! Faith can be expressed in many forms, but the form is not what satisfies … only JESUS CHRIST quenches real thirst.”
Through the ministry of GRACE ADVENTURES I find that people in the political, business and spiritual realms are indeed thirsty. Many have had bad experiences with a variety of cups. Others admit they were more into the form of the cup and didn’t focus on the substance in the cup. It happens to well-meaning people all of the time. Others have never even had a cup. It doesn’t matter. I meet people where they are at and talk to them about the Living Water. It is amazing what happens when someone starts to drink. Not long ago, a man who recently trusted Christ told me his life has been totally changed. Another leader, who met Jesus a few months ago, has caught the vision to help other thirsty people. He finds it a great spiritual buzz to give his life away to help others. People who are attending Bible studies are finding their weary souls renewed and replenished. Opportunities abound daily to bring people to the One who calls himself the Living Water.
It is fascinating working with leaders in these days of austerity and trouble. I relate it to the days of Jeremiah. Storm clouds were on the horizon and Jeremiah’s grace adventure was to call people to God. Resistance was severe. God’s mouthpiece was laughed at, mocked, put in the stocks (which were reserved for false teachers), a cistern, etc. The people loved to listen to the health, wealth and prosperity prophets who said, “All is well. Peace. Peace.” Finally after forty years, the storm clouds were so close that the king ordered Jeremiah brought out of the prison and asked him, “Is there a word from the Lord?” We live in these days!!!! Leaders are asking me, “Is there a word from the Lord?” Yes there is!!! The Kingdom of God will not arrive on Air Force One. Jesus Christ quenches thirst. Really. It is happening.
Plaquemines Parish Flooding after Hurricane Isaac
Yes, those are cattle on the porch!


·         Keep praying for my dad. He didn’t need to have his leg amputated. After a month plus in a rehab hospital he is home and waiting upon multiple skin grafts. It is complicated but slowly improving.
·         Pray for God’s favor upon appointments. Nothing is better than FAVOR. When you see God doing what you can’t do … it is glorious and amazing.
·         Thank God for open doors. I can hardly believe the doors that are opening!! One appointment leads to the next that leads to the next. One evening, all within an hour, I got three appointments that were “ONLY GOD” appointments. Leaders need Jesus and His enablement.
·         Got to visit Jonathan and Patricia Labor day weekend in Dallas.
·         Pray for spiritual renewal in America. It happened once. Why can’t it happen again?
·         Our home made out well during Hurricane Isaac.  We evacuated to a friend’s home.  Our power was only out for two days.  Pray for the people who had home damage.

Attention Men:

I will be speaking at three Men’s Retreat’s. If you are interested … here is the contact information:
·        October 12-14 - Faith Community Church, Camden, DE (302) 697-1673
·        October 19-21 - Forcey Bible Church, Silver Spring, MD (301) 622-2200; Retreat being held at Skycroft Retreat Center
·         November 2-4 - Burke Community Church, Burke, VA (703) 425-0205; Retreat being held at White Sulphur Springs, Manns Choice, PA

Betting the Farm on God,


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