Monday, August 4, 2014

Thoughts for Election Junkies in an Election Season

How far is too far with our faith and politics? Where is the line? A passage out of C.S. Lewis’s book Screwtape Letters jolts me. These letters, between a senior powerful demon named Screwtape and a young demon, are the fictional correspondence on how to derail a Christ-follower. Look at these advanced tactics: “Let him begin by treating patriotism…as part of his religion. Then let him, under the influence of partisan spirit, come to regard it as the more important part. Then quietly and gradually nurse him on to the stage at which the religion becomes merely a part of the ‘cause,’ in which Christianity is valued chiefly because of the excellent arguments it can produce … Once he’s made the world an end, and faith a means, you have almost won your man, and it makes very little difference what kind of worldly end he is pursuing.” Even during the tumultuous times of WWII, Lewis was warning us to be careful how we engage in politics and how we allow it to influence our heart and our core.

Here are some things I constantly remind myself:
God is in Control. Our ultimate hope is not in Politics. We don’t have to freak out and be fearful every time something doesn’t seem to be a political win. God reigns no matter what country is dominating the globe or who gets elected. Think about it … after the fall of Judah (which Scripture clearly says God used Nebuchadnezzar to achieve) God then used another pagan king to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. God isn’t anxious about our elections (Daniel 4:17). God reigns.

The Kingdom can do well with or without Caesar’s cooperation. Times of government hostility often produce times of vibrancy. The blood of martyrs has often been the seed of the church. During times of trial the world may be turned upside down (Acts 17:6). In fact as E.K. Chesterton put it, “Coziness between church and state is good for the state and bad for the church.”

We dare not privatize our faith. Jesus is Lord of all or not Lord at all. Abraham Kuyper famously said, “There is not one inch of creation about which Jesus Christ did not say, ‘This is mine!’” Our faith is to impact every part of our life including politics. As Jesus leads, we are to vote, dialogue, engage, learn, pray, speak in the public square, serve, preach, debate, run for office or whatever Jesus leads us to do in a way that is civil, respectful and redemptive. This is a good thing. However, remember the old cartoon picturing a guy standing before Peter at the Pearly Gates and Peter saying to him, “You were a believer, yes, but you skipped the ‘not being a jerk about it’ part.”

Politics/Government is not the answer to everything. Many seem to rely on Big Brother for everything. Consciously or sub-consciously, citizens begin to assume that the state has the capacity and responsibility to solve all of society’s ills. Yet consider this: If we got all the right people in office and enacted all the right legislation, would you finally be the person God wants you to be? Would pride and greed evaporate and marriages become expressions of moral beauty? Would neighborhoods be places of harmony and would human beings master their impulses? The answer, “NO.” Deep, profound transformation has to come from within through a spiritual renewal that eventually impacts the outward. Real change comes as a ‘God-thing’ through the Gospel of Jesus Christ! This is why Grace Adventures and my work with the Capitol Commission exists.
“One of the greatest temptations of the church
is to trade grace for power.”  C.S. Lewis
Praise and Prayer
1. Praise for a great meeting in Dallas with state legislators and state senators as we tried to identify State Directors and Chaplains for the 25 states that do not have a minister with the Capitol Commission. Great contacts and opportunities. Check out Capitol Commission
Several Capitol Commission Chaplains

2. Pray for the right 51 men to join us on the Grace Adventures Retreat September 26-28 at the Solomon Center. About half are paid-up or committed.

3. Praise for my opportunities sharing the gospel as part of the Beyond History television series . This series has just been picked up nationally and will have a potential viewership of 60 million people. I have been the speaker on two 30-minute programs so far with more coming.

Jonathan and Donna
4. Pray for the establishment of a new Leader Forum on the North Shore for elected leaders, and the ministry of the one we established in the New Orleans South Shore region.

5. Pray for Donna as her teaching in the school system starts August 7th. Where did summer go?

Recent visit with my parents
6. Pray Donna and me as we walk with God and grow in Christ. If we abide in Jesus … HE will bring the fruit HE desires.

Betting the Farm on God,

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